The life and death of your application

Thanks to its Autoconfig feature and a few conventions, running your application requires very few lines of code:


namespace ICanBoogie;

require 'vendor/autoload.php';

$app = boot();

1. Pretty common for applications using Composer, the auto-loader is the first thing to run.

2. The boot() helper instantiates the application with its Application class and autoconfig. After the application has booted, the ICanBoogie\Application::boot event is fired. At this point ICanBoogie and its low-level components are configured and booted, the application is ready to process requests.

3. Finally, the application is ran, which involves the following:

3.1. The HTTP response code is set to 500 because we don't want to return a 200 (Ok) if a fatal error occurs.

3.2. The initial request is obtained and is used to fire the ICanBoogie\Application::run event.

3.3. The request is executed to obtain a response.

3.4. The response is executed to respond to the request. It should set the HTTP code to the appropriate value.

3.5. The ICanBoogie\Application::terminate event is fired at which point the application should be terminated.


During the execution of the application, the following events are fired:

The application is configured

The ICanBoogie\Application::configure event of class ConfigureEvent is fired once the application is configured. Event hooks may use this event to alter the application configuration or configure components.

The application has booted

The ICanBoogie\Application::boot event of class BootEvent is fired once the application has booted. Event hooks may use this event to bootstrap components before the application is ran.

The application is running

The ICanBoogie\Application::run event of class RunEvent is fired when the application is running. Event hooks may use this event to alter various states of the application, starting with the initial request.

The application is terminated

The ICanBoogie\Application::terminate event of class TerminateEvent is fired after the response to the initial request was sent and the application is about to be terminated. Event hooks may use this event to cleanup loose ends.

Cache must be cleared

The clear_cache event of class ClearCacheEvent is fired when the various caches of the application must be cleared. Event hooks may use this event to clear their own cache. For instance, ICanBoogie clears its configurations cache when this event is fired.