ActiveRecord Models

A model is an object-oriented representation of a database table, or a group of tables. A model is used to create, update, delete and query records. Models are instances of the Model class, and usually implement a specific business logic.

Model collection

Models are managed using a model collection that resolves model attributes (such as database connections) and instantiate them.

Defining models

Model definitions can be specified while creating the ModelCollection instance.

Note: You don't have to create the Connection instances used by the models, you can use their identifier which will get resolved when the model is needed.

Note: If CONNECTION is not specified the primary connection is used.


use ICanBoogie\ActiveRecord\Model;
use ICanBoogie\ActiveRecord\ModelCollection;

/* @var $connections \ICanBoogie\ActiveRecord\ConnectionCollection */

$models = new ModelCollection($connections, [

    'nodes' => [

        // …
        Model::SCHEMA => [

            'nid' => 'serial',
            'title' => 'varchar'
            // …

    'contents' => [

        // …
        Model::EXTENDING => 'nodes'

Model definitions can be modified or added after the ModelCollection instance has been created.


use ICanBoogie\ActiveRecord\Model;

/* @var $models \ICanBoogie\ActiveRecord\ModelCollection */

$models['new'] = [

    // …
    Model::EXTENDING => 'contents'

You can modify the definition of a model until it is instantiated. A ModelAlreadyInstantiated exception is thrown in attempt to modify the definition of an already instantiated model.

Obtaining a model

Use the ModelCollection instance as an array to obtain a Model instance.


/* @var $models \ICanBoogie\ActiveRecord\ModelCollection */

$nodes = $models['nodes'];

Models are instantiated on demand, so that you can define a hundred models an they will only by instantiated, along with their database connection, when needed.

A ModelNotDefined exception is thrown in attempts to obtain a model which is not defined.

Checking defined models

The isset() function checks if a model is defined.


/* @var $models \ICanBoogie\ActiveRecord\ModelCollection */

if (isset($models['nodes']))
    echo "The model 'node' is defined.\n";

The definitions magic property returns the current model definitions. The property is read-only.


/* @var $models \ICanBoogie\ActiveRecord\ModelCollection */

foreach ($models->definitions as $id => $definition)
    echo "The model '$id' is defined.\n";

Instantiated models

An array with the instantiated models can be retrieved using the instances magic property. The property is read-only.


/* @var $models \ICanBoogie\ActiveRecord\ModelCollection */

foreach ($models->instances as $id => $model)
    echo "The model '$id' has been instantiated.\n";

Installing / Uninstalling models

All the models managed by the provider can be installed and uninstalled with a single command using the install() and uninstall() methods. The is_installed() method returns an array of key/value pair where key is a model identifier and value true if the model is installed, false otherwise.


/* @var $models \ICanBoogie\ActiveRecord\ModelCollection */

var_dump($models->is_installed()); // [ "nodes" => true, "contents" => true ]
var_dump($models->is_installed()); // [ "nodes" => false, "contents" => false ]

Model provider

The get_model() helper retrieves models using their identifier. It is used by active records to retrieve their model when required, and by queries during joins. Models are retrieved using the model collection returned by ModelProvider.

The following example demonstrates how to define a model provider:


use ICanBoogie\ActiveRecord;
use ICanBoogie\ActiveRecord\ModelProvider;
use function ICanBoogie\ActiveRecord\get_model;

/* @var $models ActiveRecord\ModelCollection */

ModelProvider::define(function($id) use($models) {

    return $models[$id];


$nodes = get_model('nodes');

Note: A LogicException is thrown if no provider is defined when get_model() require it.


namespace App\Modules\Nodes;

use ICanBoogie\ActiveRecord;
use ICanBoogie\ActiveRecord\Model;
use ICanBoogie\ActiveRecord\ModelCollection;

class NodeModel extends Model
    // …

class Node extends ActiveRecord
    public $id;
    public $title;
    public $number;

    // …

/* @var $connections \ICanBoogie\ActiveRecord\ConnectionCollection */

$models = new ModelCollection($connections, [

    'nodes' => [

        Model::ACTIVERECORD_CLASS => Node::class,
        Model::SCHEMA => [

            'id' => 'serial',
            'title' => [ 'varchar', 80 ],
            'number' => [ 'integer', 'unsigned' => true ]



$node_model = $models['nodes'];

$node = Node::from([

    'title' => "My first node",
    'number' => 123

], [ $node_model ]);
// ^ because we don't use a model provider yet, we need to specify the model to the active record

# or

$node = $node_model->new([

    'title' => "My first node",
    'number' => 123


$id = $node->save();

echo "Saved node, got id: $id\n";

Model definition


The CONNECTION key specifies the database connection, an instance of the Connection class.

Instance class

The ACTIVERECORD_CLASS key specifies the class used to instantiate the active records of the model.

Name of the table

The NAME key specifies the name of the table. If a table prefix is defined by the connection, it is used to prefix the table name. The name and unprefixed_name properties returns the prefixed name and original name of the table:


/* @var $model \ICanBoogie\ActiveRecord\Model */

echo "table name: {$model->name}, original: {$model->unprefixed_name}.";

The {self} placeholder is replaced in queries by the name property:


/* @var $model \ICanBoogie\ActiveRecord\Model */

$stmt = $model('SELECT * FROM `{self}` LIMIT 10');


The columns and properties of the table are defined with a schema, which is specified by the SCHEMA attribute. A key defines the name of the column, and a value defines the properties of the column. Most column types use the following basic definition pattern:

'<identifier>' => '<type_and_default_options>'
# or
'<identifier>' => [ '<type>', <size> ];

The following types are available: blob, char, integer, text, varchar, bit, boolean, date, datetime, time, timestamp, year, enum, double et float. The serial and foreign special types are used to define auto incrementing primary keys and foreign keys:


    'nid' => 'serial', // bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, PRIMARY KEY (`nid`)
    'uid' => 'foreign' // bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL, KEY `uid` (`uid`)

The size of the field can be defined as an integer for the blob, char, integer, varchar and bit types:


    'title' => 'varchar', // varchar(255) NOT NULL
    'slug' => [ 'varchar', 80 ], // varchar(80) NOT NULL
    'weight' => 'integer', // int(11) NOT NULL
    'small_count' => [ 'integer', 8 ], // int(8) NOT NULL,
    'price' => [ 'float', [ 10, 3 ] ], // float(10,3) NOT NULL

The size of the field can be defined using the qualifiers tiny, small, medium, big or long for the blob, char, integer, text and varchar types:


    'body' => [ 'text', 'long' ] // longtext NOT NULL

The qualifier null specifies that a field can be null, by default fields are not capable of receiving the null:

[ 'varchar', 'null' => true ] // varchar(255)
[ 'integer', 'null' => true ] // int(11)
[ 'integer' ] // int(11) NOT NULL

The qualifier unsigned specifies that a numeric value is not signed:

[ 'integer' ] // int(11)
[ 'integer', 'unsigned' => true ] // int(10) unsigned

The qualifier indexed specifies that a field should be indexed:


    'slug' => [ 'varchar', 'indexed' => true ], // varchar(255) NOT NULL, KEY `slug` (`slug`)
    'is_online' => [ 'boolean', 'indexed' => true ], // tinyint(1) NOT NULL, KEY `is_online` (`is_online`),

    'page_id' => [ 'foreign', 'indexed' => 'page-content' ], // bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL
    'content_id' => [ 'foreign', 'indexed' => 'page-content' ], // bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL, KEY `page-content` (`page_id`, `content_id`)

The qualifier primary specifies that a column is a primary key. A multi-column primary key is created if multiple columns have the primary qualifier:


    'vtid' => [ 'foreign', 'primary' => true ],
    'nid' => [ 'foreign', 'primary' => true ],
    'weight' => [ 'integer', 'unsigned' => true ]

// ADD PRIMARY KEY ( `vtid` , `nid` )

Creating the table associated with a model

Once the model has been defined, its associated table can easily be created with the install() method.


/* @var $model \ICanBoogie\ActiveRecord\Model */


The is_installed() method checks if a model has already been installed.

Note: The method only checks if the corresponding table exists, not if its schema is correct.


/* @var $model \ICanBoogie\ActiveRecord\Model */

if ($model->is_installed())
    echo "The model is already installed.";


The following placeholders are replaced in model queries: