Namespace ICanBoogie\Render
Namespaces summary
ICanBoogie\Render\EngineCollection |
ICanBoogie\Render\Renderer |
ICanBoogie\Render\TemplateResolver |
Classes summary
BasicTemplateResolver | Resolve templates pathname. |
EngineCollection | An engine collection. |
EngineNotAvailable | Exception thrown when there is no engine available to render a template. |
EngineNotDefined | Render exceptions implement this interface so that they can be easily recognized. |
PHPEngine | Render PHP templates. |
Renderer | |
TemplateName | Representation of a template name. |
Interfaces summary
Engine | An interface for template engines. |
Exception | Render exceptions implement this interface so that they can be easily recognized. |
TemplateResolver | An interface for template resolvers. |
Exceptions summary
TemplateNotFound | Exception throw when a template cannot be found. |