Namespace ICanBoogie\Operation
Namespaces summary
ICanBoogie\Operation\OperationDispatcher |
Classes summary
BeforeControlEvent | Event class for the ICanBoogie\Operation::control:before event. |
BeforeProcessEvent | Event class for the ICanBoogie\Operation::process:before event. |
BeforeValidateEvent | Event class for the ICanBoogie\Operation::validate:before event. |
ControlEvent | Event class for the ICanBoogie\Operation::control event. |
FailureEvent | Event class for the ICanBoogie\Operation::failure event. |
GetFormEvent | Event class for the ICanBoogie\Operation::get_form event. |
Hooks | |
OperationDispatcher | Dispatches operation requests. |
PingOperation | Keeps the user's session alive. |
ProcessEvent | Event class for the ICanBoogie\Operation::process event. |
RescueEvent | Event class for the ICanBoogie\Operation::rescue event. |
Response | |
ValidateEvent | Event class for the ICanBoogie\Operation::validate event. |
Interfaces summary
Exception | Operation exceptions implement this interface so that they can be easily recognized. |
Traits summary
ControlEventTrait | |
ValidateEventTrait |
Exceptions summary
Failure | Exception raised when an operation fails. |
FormHasExpired | Exception thrown when the form associated with an operation has expired. |
FormNotFound | Exception thrown when the form associated with the operation cannot be found. |