Namespace ICanBoogie
Namespaces summary
ICanBoogie\Autoconfig |
ICanBoogie\Core |
ICanBoogie\HTTP |
ICanBoogie\Session |
Classes summary
Core | Core of the framework. |
Debug | |
Helpers | Patchable helpers of the ICanBoogie package. |
Logger | A message logger using the core's session to store the messages. |
LogLevel | Adds the SUCCESS level to the PSR. |
Session | Session. |
Interfaces summary
LoggerInterface | Extends the PSR interface with the following methods: |
Traits summary
LoggerTrait | Adds the success() method to the PSR. |
Exceptions summary
AlreadyAuthenticated | Exception thrown when the user is already authenticated. |
AuthenticationRequired | Exception thrown when user authentication is required. |
CoreAlreadyBooted | Exception thrown in attempt to boot the application a second time. |
CoreAlreadyInstantiated | Exception thrown in attempt to create a second instance. |
CoreNotInstantiated | Exception thrown in attempt to obtain the core before is has been instantiated. |
PermissionRequired | Exception thrown when a user doesn't have the required permission. |
SecurityException | Exception thrown when a security error occurs. |