Namespace ICanBoogie\HTTP
Namespaces summary
ICanBoogie\HTTP\Headers |
ICanBoogie\HTTP\Request |
ICanBoogie\HTTP\RequestDispatcher |
Classes summary
CallableDispatcher | Wrapper for callable dispatchers. |
DispatcherProvider | Provides a ICanBoogie\HTTP\Dispatcher instance. |
File | Representation of a POST file. |
FileInfo | File information. |
FileList | Representation of a list of request files. |
FileResponse | Representation of an HTTP response delivering a file. |
Headers | HTTP Header field definitions. |
ProvideDispatcher | Basic dispatcher provider. |
RedirectResponse | A HTTP response doing a redirect. |
Request | An HTTP request. |
RequestDispatcher | Dispatches HTTP requests. |
RequestOptionsMapper | Maps options to the environment. |
RequestRange | Representation of a request range. |
Response | A response to a HTTP request. |
Status | Class Status |
WeightedDispatcher | Used to define a dispatcher and its weight. |
Interfaces summary
Dispatcher | Dispatcher interface. |
Exception | HTTP exceptions implement this interface so that they can be easily recognized. |
FileOptions | Options to create ICanBoogie\HTTP\File instances. |
RequestMethods | HTTP request methods. |
RequestOptions | The options that may be used to create a request. |
ResponseStatus | Possible response status code. |
SecurityError | Exception thrown when a security error occurs. |
Exceptions summary
AuthenticationRequired | Exception thrown when user authentication is required. |
ClientError | Exception thrown when a client error occurs. |
DispatcherNotDefined | Exception thrown in attempt to obtain a dispatcher that is not defined. |
DispatcherProviderNotDefined | Exception thrown in attempt to obtain a dispatcher when no provider is defined. |
ForceRedirect | Exception thrown to force the redirect of the response. |
MethodNotSupported | Exception thrown when the HTTP method is not supported. |
NotFound | Exception thrown when a resource is not found. |
PermissionRequired | Exception thrown when a user lacks a required permission. |
ServerError | Exception thrown when a server error occurs. |
ServiceUnavailable | Exception thrown when the server is currently unavailable (because it is overloaded or down for maintenance). |
StatusCodeNotValid | Exception thrown when the HTTP status code is not valid. |