Class QueryString
Representation of a query string.
- ICanBoogie\Facets\QueryString implements IteratorAggregate uses ICanBoogie\Accessor\AccessorTrait (not available)
Methods summary
search( string $phrase
: ICanBoogie\Facets\QueryStringWord[]
Search the phrase in the query string.
before( ICanBoogie\Facets\QueryStringWord
: ICanBoogie\Facets\QueryStringWord
Returns the word before the specified query string word, if any.
after( ICanBoogie\Facets\QueryStringWord
: ICanBoogie\Facets\QueryStringWord
Returns the word after the specified query string word, if any.
get_matched( void )
: ICanBoogie\Facets\QueryStringWord[]
Returns the query string words that have a match.
get_not_matched( void )
: ICanBoogie\Facets\QueryStringWord[]
Returns the query string words that have no match.
get_matches( void )
: ICanBoogie\Facets\QueryStringWord[]
Returns the query string words that have a match.
Properties summary
Magic properties
public read-only
: ICanBoogie\Facets\QueryStringWord[]
Query string words for which a match was found.
public read-only
: ICanBoogie\Facets\QueryStringWord[]
Query string words for which no match was found.