AbstractCollection |
An abstract collection. |
AbstractSectionCollection |
Calendar |
Representation of a locale calendar. |
CalendarCollection |
Representation of a calendar collection. |
ContextTransforms |
Currency |
A currency. |
CurrencyCollection |
A currency collection. |
CurrencyFormatter |
A currency formatter. |
DateFormatter |
Date formatter. |
DateTimeAccessor |
DateTimeFormatter |
Provides date and time localization. |
FileProvider |
Provides CLDR data from the filesystem. |
ListFormatter |
Formats variable-length lists of things such as "Monday, Tuesday, Friday, and Saturday". |
Locale |
Representation of a locale. |
LocaleCollection |
Representation of a locale collection. |
LocalizedCurrency |
Localized currency. |
LocalizedDateTime |
A localized date time. |
LocalizedListFormatter |
Formats a variable-length lists of things. |
LocalizedLocale |
A localized locale |
LocalizedNumberFormatter |
Formats numbers using locale conventions. |
LocalizedObject |
Representation of a localized object. |
LocalizedObjectWithFormatter |
A localized object with a formatter. |
LocalizedTerritory |
A localized territory. |
Number |
NumberFormatter |
Formats numbers. |
NumberPattern |
Representation of a number pattern. |
NumberPatternParser |
Numbers |
Representation of a locale numbers |
Plurals |
Representation of plurals |
ProviderCollection |
A provider collection. |
RedisProvider |
Provides CLDR data from a Redis client. |
Repository |
Representation of a CLDR. |
RunTimeProvider |
Provides CLDR data from an array. |
Supplemental |
Representation of the "supplemental" section. |
Territory |
A territory. |
TerritoryCollection |
Representation of a territory collection. |
TimeFormatter |
Time formatter. |
Units |
WebProvider |
Retrieves sections from the CLDR source using cURL. |